Commercial Vinyl Fences in Rapid City

Extreme Durability


American Fence Company of Rapid City proudly presents vinyl fences with a limited lifetime warranty against cracking, chipping, and peeling. Engineered to withstand the extremes of Midwest weather, our vinyl fences guarantee longevity in the face of hot summers and cold winters.

Low Maintenance for Rapid City Vinyl Fences


Enjoy your home without the hassle of constant maintenance. Rapid City vinyl fences set themselves apart by resisting peeling, cracking, and fading. Say goodbye to costly repainting, staining, or replacements, as our vinyl fences maintain their integrity with minimal effort.

Rapid City Vinyl Fence Styles and Colors


Discover a wide array of fence styles and colors to create a cost-effective solution that enhances your home’s exterior and curb appeal. American Fence Company offers a selection of Rapid City vinyl fences that cater to your unique preferences.

Vinyl Fences in Rapid City Gallery

For top-quality vinyl fences in Rapid City, American Fence Company collaborates with Ply Gem Fence & Rail aand other reputable manufacturers. Our commitment to lasting quality ensures that our vinyl fences resist erosion, damage from weather elements, and potential harm from insects. With a flexible and impact-resistant design, vinyl fencing proves to be a sustainable option, backed by a lifetime transferable warranty.

Vinyl Fences in Rapid City, SD FAQ

How long do Rapid City vinyl fences last?

Vinyl fencing, designed for a lifetime, maintains its durability. While it may lose some sheen over time, the fence structure remains intact.

Do vinyl fences fade with time?

Modern vinyl fencing, formulated like sunscreen, resists fading. The color retention is permanent, ensuring vibrant hues throughout the fence’s lifespan.

How strong is vinyl?

Rapid City vinyl fences, known for flexibility, withstand impacts from various sources, providing resilience against wear and tear.

Cost of vinyl vs. wood?

Vinyl fencing offers competitive pricing compared to wood and ornamental steels.

Are vinyl fences fire-resistant?

With a high flash point of approximately 900 degrees, PVC in vinyl fences doesn’t easily ignite.

Cleaning and maintenance of vinyl fencing?

A mild detergent and water or alternatives like Soft Scrub and baking soda effectively clean vinyl fences. While not graffiti-proof, they are easy to clean, and paint comes off with minimal effort.

Do you cement vinyl fence posts in Rapid City?

Yes, all vinyl posts are set in pre-mixed wet concrete for consistency and stability.

Warranty on vinyl fences?

Our vinyl fence products come with a lifetime warranty, ensuring resistance to peeling, chipping, surface cracking, and rot.

Custom vinyl fence styles in Rapid City?

American Fence Company of Rapid City, with a vast selection of materials and an in-house design team, can create nearly any design for your commercial vinyl fence.

Does vinyl fencing yellow over time?

High-quality vinyl fencing with titanium dioxide prevents ultraviolet degradation. Our partnership with Kroy Vinyl Products ensures a 20-year warranty against premature discoloration and yellowing.

Does vinyl become brittle in winter?

While Rapid City vinyl fences may become less flexible in colder temperatures, they generally do not break or crack unless subjected to strong impacts.

How does vinyl hold up to weed eaters?

Direct contact with lawn equipment may cause damage, so caution is advised. Inquire about weed barrier products when contacting American Fence Company of Rapid City.

Should vinyl fencing be unique to my yard?

Custom fabrication services ensure your vinyl fencing in Rapid City is tailored to your yard. Our five-step process involves design review, staking for approval, post-layout mapping, fabrication drawings, and computerized custom fabrication.

  1. Our experts at American Fence Company of Rapid City personally meet with you to review design and layout for your vinyl fence.
  2. We stake your yard for your review and approval.
  3. We provide you with a post layout map, showing you where each fence post will be installed.
  4. After the posts are set, we make a fabrication drawing, illustrating the dimensions and slope of each bay.
  5. Our computerized custom fabrication shop fabricates each individual panel according to this drawing.